Who is Dm-r?

Diana Muro-Ramirez is a clinical psychologist with over 25 years of experience. In addition to teaching psychology at private universities and doing scientific research, she published in peer-reviewed journals. While researching socialization, Muro-Ramirez began creating content for the virtual world Second Life® which she continues to do today.

She has written screenplays and books in English and Spanish for many years. Romance, comedy, and science fiction are among her genres.

In addition to technical psychology textbooks in Spanish, Muro-Ramirez has also written bilingual storybooks for children.

There are paperback editions of her books available on Amazon®, Barnes & Noble®, and other stores, as well as electronic versions available on most platforms.

Script Analysts comments

"This is a very good high-concept for a funny science fiction movie."          

                                    Steve Biodrowski, "Women Women Women" script.

"A lot of exciting elements that will hold a reader's interest, a love affair larger than life."       

Steve Biodrowski, "Personal Reasons" script.

"Very strong premise. Characters imbued with deep emotions and difficult circumstances to deal with will create strong sympathy in the audience.

Potential for an engaging adult drama."   

                                       Leslie Paonessa, "Personal Reasons" script.